RP4B | Up to 16mm Gap | Tread Plate | About

How it Works:

A high qualitdraught proofing solution for door bottoms, the RP4B is an aluminum door threshold plate designed to run along the doorstep and meet the appropriate draught excluder. It can be cut to size during installation. 

This product is used to straighten or increase the height of the step to allow the appropriate draught excluder to effectively prevent draughts from your door bottom.


  • Aluminium construction with a integral sill gasket
  • Used in conjunction with other raven draught excluders, particularly the RP3 and RP35 
  • Architectural quality
  • Durable
  • BAL FZ when used with a BAL rated door bottom seal. 


  • Does not interfere with the opening and closing of the door
  • Raises the height of the door step by up to 16mm
  • Creates a straight flat surface for a draught excluder to make contact with to provide complete draught proofing of the bottom of the door

 Suitable For:

  • Bottom of door to raise up the door threshold