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7 Day Grace


We want to make sure that you benefit from the lowest possible pricing.

If you have ordered from ecoMasterStore.com.au within the last 7 days, and a discount has been applied subsequent to your purchase, we are here to make it work for you.

We know how frustrating it can be to lose out on a bargain!

So, we will provide you with a Gift Voucher equal to the discount that you would have received. You will have 30 days to spend your Gift Voucher.

If you are not sure how to spend it, we recommend that you buy multiple copies of Tim Forcey's My Efficient Electric Home Handbook for all your family and friends.  Your Christimas Shopping can be done well in advance - and all in one go!  

To arrange the Gift Voucher, just send an email to sales@ecoMaster.com.au with your order details as the proof of purchase, and we will be pleased to arrange the Voucher for you.   Remember, you have 30 days to spend your voucher.