Value Poly | Polyester Insulation | Warranty

Q: What is the product warranty for Value Poly?
A: Value Poly carries a product warranty of 50 years, but can be highly effective for much longer than that. We have not yet seen a 'failed' polyester product. It is incredibly robust and is not damaged by the elements that would generally damage other types of insulation, such as water, termites or breakdown of the glues that hold glass fibres together.  

Q: What is the installation warranty for Value Poly?
A: As Value Poly is a DIY product there is no warranty on installation.  

To get the best value for your investment, please, PLEASE watch the installation videos before you proceed.  

If you have any questions, contact the ecoMaster team.  We are all ex-installers and have done this work thousands of times before.  We are here to help you.

Q: What do I do if I have a problem with this product?  
A: Refer to our Returns / Refunds page [Learn More].  Our Research and Development team will be keenly interested to learn of any product failure and will want images and samples of the product (if possible) so they can determine what the cause of failure was.