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DIY ecoGlaze Fixed | FAQ

Q: What is DIY ecoGlaze and how does it work? 
A: ecoGlaze is a secondary glazing system developed in Australia that is now available to DIYers who wish to achieve the benefits of double glazing without the cost, time investment, disruption or hassle.

By adding components (a spacer, mouldings and clear sheet acrylic) to the inside of your existing windows, you create the still air space that is what makes double glazing work - for a fraction of the cost of replacement double glazing.

Q: What is DIY ecoGlaze Fixed? 
A: There are three different types of ecoGlaze, each designed for a specific type of window. DIY ecoGlaze Fixed is for “non opening” windows. 

Q: Why is DIY ecoGlaze for Fixed windows only? 
A: No.  ecoGlaze for awning (wind-out) windows, hinged windows and glass doors and double-hung / sash windows has been released.  ecoGlaze for double hung windows will be released in 2024.   

Q: Can I get the acrylic sheet directly from ecoMaster?
A: No. We tried to develop a cost-effective solution for shipping acrylic around the country. Unfortunately, the logistics of doing this across Australia made the option not viable. We concluded that the most cost-effective way for you to achieve the benefits of double glazing for the lowest possible cost, was for us to provide the DIY ecoGlaze Mouldings Sets and you source the acrylic locally. We have several suppliers who understand the ecoGlaze system and are very happy to work with you to achieve the final result. 

Q: OK. I will source acrylic myself. What do I need to ask for?
A: Ask for 4.5mm thick clear acrylic sheet cut to size. Some brand names that your supplier may have include Plexiglas, Shinkolite and Perspex. Provided you ask for 4.5mm thick clear acrylic, they will all be suitable for secondary glazing. Plexiglass has a 30 year warranty while Shinkolite and Perspex have 10 year warranties.

Q: My neighbours can look straight into some of my windows. Can ecoGlaze help obscure the view but keep the light? 
A: Yes it can! When purchasing your acrylic panel simply ask for “Pearl” coloured acrylic. This is similar to frosting on glass. It still allows most of the light in but obscures the view. In some situations, you can use “Pearl” to obscure the lower parts of a double-hung window and leave the upper parts clear.

Q: I have Aluminium Sliding Windows. Can I ecoGlaze them?  
A: Not yet. We are working on a DIY solution for Aluminium Sliding Windows that will allow you to secondary glaze existing residential aluminium sliding windows and still allow them to open.  We are not anticipating a release date for this product before winter 2024. 

Q: Can I fit DIY ecoGlaze to the outside of my windows.  
A: Technically, yes you can. But we do not recommend it and we do not warranty the components if they are installed outside. 

Q:  I already have double glazing. Can I fit ecoGlaze as well so I get the benefits of Triple Glazing? 
A: Yes you can. To get the full benefit of Triple Glazing your home, it is important that the rest of your home is also up to the same standard of thermal and energy efficiency. That means, a very well-insulated roof, good quality underfloor insulation, wall insulation and most importantly, thorough draught proofing!
If we can relate that to a clothing analogy; there is little overall benefit in wearing a really warm jacket, if you are wearing shorts and thongs.

Q: Will ecoGlaze stop condensation on my windows. 
A: ecoGlaze will significantly reduce condensation on the windows and doors in your home. Condensation occurs because of the build up of moisture in the air and condensing at the coldest point in your home - at the dew point. This is because your windows are normally the coldest element in your home. If there is a build up of condensation, simply remove the acrylic panel, dry the glass and the acrylic then reinstate the acrylic panel.

If condensation in your home is an ongoing issue, it would be necessary to determine the source of water vapour in the air and deal with it. Sources of water vapour include, but are not limited to: gas appliances (burning gas emits water vapour and carbon monoxide), drying clothes inside, bathroom exhaust fans that are not effectively removing moisture and some clothes dryers. This is especially during winter when condensation issues can be at their peak.