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Draught Dodgers for Doors | Perimeter Seal | Specs

Draught Dodger Mouldings have been pre angle cut to make it easy for you to achieve a great finish.  You only need to square cut to length - so fancy saws needed! 

In your kit there will be one moulding that has square ends - “Straight Cut”. That moulding is used for the Head of the door.

The Draught Dodger mouldings for the sides of the doors already have “Angle Cuts” to fit the left hand side (which is coloured Green on the end of the moulding) or the right hand side (which is coloured Red on the end of the moulding).


* Raw Timber with Brown Seals 
* White Aluminium with White Seals 
* Black Aluminium with Black Seals 



1 x left moulding (green)   

1 x right moulding (red)     

1 x head moulding 

Suitable for one single or double door up to 2350mm high and 2350mm wide.

2 x left mouldings (green)   

2 x right moudlings (red)   

1 x head moulding 

 Suitable for two single doors up to 2350mm high and 1150mm wide.


Draught Dodgers Moulding Profile:

Dodger for Doors Seal Profile:

Gap Size:

  • Covers a gap from jamb edge to door face of up to 10mm.
  • Moulding can be fitted to suit varying width gaps 

Made In: 

  • Australia 


  • Winner - Innovation and Enterprise Award NBAA 2016
  • Finalist – Bendigo Inventor Awards 2011


  • Up to 3kgs (including packaging)