RP17 | Up to 19mm Gap | Sweep Seal | How To

What you will need:

  • Alcohol wipes or microfibre cloth with methylated spirits
  • Measuring tape
  • Pencil
  • Side cutters or pliers
  • Hacksaw 

    How to Install: 

    This video describes how to install and RP2a, which is a self adhesive brush seal.  The installation process for the RP17 and RP5 is exactly the same, but without the brush! 

    Pro Tips: 

    • Check the sweep of the door to make sure this is the right product for your home. 
    • Surfaces must be clean and smooth to ensure good adhesion.
    • If the bottom of the door is rough or not straight, a screw fixed sweep seal would be a better choice (and that would be either an RP5 or RP26).  
    • Press firmly along the adhesive twice for a strong bond with the door surface.
    • Pair the RP17 or RP5 with a perimeter seal such as EMV Seal to seal the other 3 edges of the door (two sides and the top).